Tag Archives: Abandonment

Why be Loyal? Key to Relationships

Key to Relationships and Happiness 

Loyalty can be expressed in many forms, to a brand, company, family or person.

We hear people professing their loyalty to products or brands,  “I only shop at Saks” or “I’m hooked on Apple” etc. but the most important expression of loyalty is the type shown to other people.

Being loyal to others is a fundamental ingredient to having integrity.  You simply cannot have integrity by acting in self interest.

False professions

Often times we profess our loyalty but abandon others  whenever that loyalty comes with a cost to ourselves.  People make promises and commitments to others but break them.

This evidences a total lack of loyalty.  At times legitimate issues prevent us from honoring a committment. Thats ok as long as we take the time to explain the reason we can’t live up to our commitments.  We all know people who always have ready excuses but anyone who contiually disappoints another lacks loyalty and integrity.


We need to be loyal to our friends and families who need and rely on us, if only for support or company.

Even when some other opportunity presents itself we must keep our commitment. That is the ultimate expression of loyalty, putting yourself behind the needs or expectation of someone else.

Its central to your integrity and connected directly to unselfishness.

Believe it or not it is personally rewarding to honor your commitments!

Loyal to a Fault

As with most things there can be a downside to loyalty when we remain blindly loyal to someone to their detriment.  Protecting some one under the guise of loyalty when their behavior is destructive is unacceptable.

In that case true loyalty and love would demand that we stop enabling and approving of the behavior and help them seek the help they need.

Don’t Break the Trust

Can you be trusted with loyalty? Can you be counted on?

Loyalty –  the elixir for healthy relationships!


Filed under Blog, improvement, integrity, Loyalty, success

Basic Responsibility contd.

On first half of this post I may have seemed to be picking on the fathers….  but Mothers also need to think and act responsibly.  Having children outside of a meaningful relationship and without means of properly supporting and nurturing them is the polar opposite of motherhood!  Compounding your destructive behavior with multiple partners is reprehensible.

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THE Basic Responsibility

I have seen first hand (years of volunteer work in leadership positions) the damage a dysfunctional family unit inflicts.  Many women struggle to raise and provide for their children without support of any kind, neither involvement nor financial) from their fathers.  They may not want to be with the mother of those children but that does not obviate their responsibilities as a father.  The failure to address this basic responsibility creates a viscous cycle of children repeating the tragic mistakes of their parents.  I know some kids are somehow able to overcome the odds and become contributing members of society but when

the only life style they know from birth is



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Where does our insecurity come from?  countless wayys

from the loss or abandoment by a parent, a culture

that rewards physical appearance, some dark

espisode in our past that planted  the seeds of self

doubt….  Add a few of your own…

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Danger of Insecurity

Insecurity!  Jezz what an anchor, fills you with

self doubt.  Its downright crippling.  Saw a bit of

American Idol last nite and it was on display,

inhibiting some of the performers. Those that

were feeling good about themselves let it hang

out and it showed in some good performances.

Roots of insecurity are multi-faceted and I would

love to share my thoughts on it.

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Ambition Cliff

Who hasn’t felt insecure? Most of the people we see every day put on a show looking like self assured individuals. even the clowns in hollywood and the sports world fight for acceptance. With that as a baseline imagine those whose insecurity is justifiably highlighted by abandonment or abuse. How does that affect our lives?

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